Wednesday 18 January 2012

Sports Awards

The Sports Awards held on the 23rd of November 2011, is a combining of all the first seasons sports accomplishments. Its a time to recap upon the season and discuss successes and potential failures. This events helps the sports come together, As a member of Athletic Council as well as attending the event, i also have to set up. This years set up was pretty standard, we came in and decorated the MPR and organized the room so socializing and small bites could be had. As people came in, they brought a dish to share, and it was my job to arrange the foods so people could access them easily.

This event is a time in which each teams meets together with the coach and the parents and discusses the season and how they thought it went. It is also a time in which prizes are given our within each team accompanied by a little speech. This year i received the Most Valuable Player award, in the speech about me our coach stated that i was the little general on the floor and if my presents wasn't there, it would be extremely noticeable.  Along with this some nice things were said about me from my peers and fellow team mates. This sports awards was surely a memorable one. As a member of athletic council the event seemed to run smoothly with people helping themselves to drinks and finger foods. The set up along with the decorations were a major aspect people took liking to. The food lines flowed fluidly and nothing got destroyed. This event was a success.

Surprisingly we did not encounter any difficulties during the event, unless putting up decorations counts. As we are a pretty short club, putting decorations in high places was a definite difficulty we had. During the activity all the help stemmed from the ISK staff and the from within the club, we pulled together and really threw a great event. The sports awards benefit the whole ISK sports community as its a great time to reflect and celebrate the ending of one season the the beginning of another. Parents, students and coach's enjoy this time as it is the last time when teams get together for the year. After this people move on to other sports and other interests. 

If i was to put on another Sports Banquette i would make sure there were videos of the season and not only pictures because videos are more interesting to look at.

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